Monday, January 17, 2011

we're fighting

Walmart takes confrontation to a new level. The shirt fight. Yes, that's right, a fight involving graphic tees. First, Anne's shirt said "You're almost as fake as your tan", then mine gave the witty retort "Not now, I'm tanning". Take that Anne's shirt! (p.s. - I always wear this outfit while tanning, perfect tan lines, every time). We just love shirts that make a statement, especially ones that bring out our feisty personalities.

I know you are all wondering about the jeans. Hot, huh? Those are also from Walmart...duh! Where else would you find such a great looking and flattering pair of jeans? Mine are acid wash and I have no idea what the heck Anne's are. But, whatev, they turned us from notties to hotties in 2.5 minutes (the length of time it took us to weild our thighs into such tight denim).

The shoes, those are actually real Uggs, not available at Walmart. :(.

1 comment:

  1. Bwahahaha... :) Dees complete outfits are da Bomb! Dat an' Meg, your face is da Cooles'. :D
